Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tourists from the Middle East still coming to Bali

18 Mar 2011 | by: Nenad |

Despite political and economic uncertainties back home, businessman from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt and other rich countries from the region continue to travel to Bali and other destinations in Indonesia.

Director of Marintur Bali, Mr. Reddy Iskandar, was quoted by saying that the average length of stay of Middle Eastern visitors in Bali is approximately 4.2 days, during which time an average visitor spends around 1,500 USD. Most of these visitors stay in five star hotels in Bali and Jakarta, or other big cities in Indonesia.

According to the Bali Tourism Office, a number of tourists from the Middle East has reached 6,600 persons – an increase of 11.80%, accounting for 0.27% of the total number of arrivals in bali during 2010 (2.49 million).

Middle Eastern tourists spend their holidays mostly during April and May, flying either by private jets during peak holiday seasons, or using direct flights to Singapore and Malaysia – over the past two years Qatar Airways has introduced direct flights to Bali via Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, thereby inviting more tourists from Europe and the Middle East to Bali.

Data for this article is taken form article “Despite political unrest, Mideast tourists still traveling” published in Jakarta Post on 25 February

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