Saturday, May 8, 2010

Central Jakarta: Downtown Delight

Tamansari Sudirman Apartment

Living in Jakarta means dealing with traffic jam. People live in the suburb and work in Jakarta. They’re being commuters, wasting 3 – 4 hours everyday on the road stuck in jam. Otherwise, they have to wake up very early, 4 am everyday, take a bath, get dressed and leave home at 5 am!

Muhammad Nawir, President Director of PT Wika Realty said that younger generation of Jakarta avoids living that way. They think more pragmatic and prefer to live in the vicinity of their office. To them, residence doesn’t always mean landed house. Vertical residence like apartment is the best solution for the traffic jam in Jakarta.

Nowadays, many people of Jakarta live in two type of residence. They stay in vertical apartment on weekdays and live in suburb landed house on the weekend. But, soon in the later days, Muhammad Nawir predicts that most people of Jakarta will live in vertical housing as what happens in Singapore and Hongkong.

PT Wika Realty starts anticipating the trend. They have been building Tamansari Residence in a very strategic location, out of 3-in-1 traffic-regulation- area and only a few steps away from Wisma Metropolitan, HSBC, WTC, BCA Tower, and Sampoerna Strategic Square.

In this flood-free-location, Wika Realty builds 2 towers of executive residence with full and cozy facilities. Tower B has been 80% sold out and now they are offering tower A for the price start from ID Rp 290 millions (US $29,600).

This strata title apartment will start being handed over in the end of 2009.

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